2020 Build Your Own AR-15 Class
Walden Arms, LLC will be holding their 5th annual build your own AR-15 class. During this class you will have the opportunity to build your own AR-15 (450 Bushmaster, 350 Legend, 6.5 Grendel, .223 Remington/5.56 NATO), AR-10 (.308 Winchester, 6.5 Creedmoor, and 6.0 Creedmoor) or AR-9 (9mm Glock magazine platform). The class begins on January 24, 2020 at 5:30pm and will be located at the VFW Post #4073 in Marshall, MI.
The class fee is $75 per person. Veterans, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS and repeat students get a discount on the class fee. The overall build cost will vary based on caliber, grade of build, size of build (AR Pistol vs. AR Rifle), coatings, and other custom options available. This is a multi-week course and attendance is necessary to complete your build.
At the conclusion of every class, students will order and pay for parts and tools needed for the following class. A variety of accessories will also be available for purchase such as magazines, slings, lights, optics, vertical grips, and angle grips.

The dates for the classes are as follows:
January 24, 2020:
Intro/ Explanation of class, cycle of operation,function, history of AR-15 platform, tools and gear needed for class, expectations of class, different grades of build, general information about customization and etc. At the end of class if students would like to continue, they need to pay the class fee of $75. Class will be limited to the first 50 students who sign up and pay their class fee. Continuing students will also order and pay for parts, tools, lube, lower receivers, and any custom accessories that they will receive at the second class. Lower receivers must be picked up prior to the second class at Walden Arms, LLC where a FBI NICS background check will be conducted. Qualifications for the check include: being 21 years old, a Michigan resident, and legally able to own a firearm. A valid Michigan concealed pistol license will suffice for a NICS background check.
February 28, 2020:
This class will cover the lower receiver assembly and proper lubrication of parts to ensure successful long-term usability. Students will install and function check: fire control group, take down pins, pistol grip, bolt catch, magazine release, and trigger guard. It is important that students use APPROVED Walden Arms, LLC lubricants during class. Failure to do so may/can result in failure to fire malfunctions. Approved lubricants have a temperature rating of -40°C and +120°C on semi auto and crew served full auto weapon systems. At the end of class, students will order and pay for their stock assembly and/or pistol brace assembly and bolt carrier group for the next class.

March 20, 2020:
During this class students will install and lubricate the stock assembly and/or pistol brace assembly. Students will also do function checks and test fire. At the conclusion of this class students will order and pay for their upper receiver assembly, charging handle, gas block assembly, and iron sights/ flip up sights for the next class.

April 24, 2020:
Students will learn how to install the forward assist, ejection port cover, gas tube, and charging handle. During this class we will also cover assembly, disassembly and cleaning tips for the bolt carrier group. At the end of class students will make their final parts order for the barrel, muzzle devices and free float hand guard/ rail system to be used in the next class.

May 15, 2020:
This will be the last “classroom class”. Students will do a head space check, install the barrel, barrel nut, install their gas block and free float hand guard and time their muzzle device. When class is over students will have the opportunity to order and pay for ammunition used during the test fire class next month.

June 26, 2020:
This will be the live fire, weapons safety and weapons manipulation class. Class will be held at Spectacle Lake Outdoors Club and start promptly at 4:30pm. Hearing, eye protection and a baseball hat is a minimum requirement for this class. During class, students will learn and practice the four basic firearms safety rules, sight in their weapons, test fire, and learn basic weapons manipulation skills on all AR platforms. A small rage fee will be required which grants access to the range and pays for targets. Food will be provided by Walden Arms, LLC.

For more information about Walden Arms, LLC visit the Walden Arms, LLC Facebook page or contact us here. To RSVP or add this class to your events calendar visit the Facebook Event page.